MCHA is a Christian-led organization, and we model our leadership behaviors after God's word. The following are the qualities we would like to see in our leaders (captains and board members) -- mind you, not perfectly, but with some measurable degree. These qualities are outlined in: I Timothy 3:1-10 and Titus 1:6-9:
Above reproach, faithful spouse (if married), manages household well (with family), not addicted to wine, not a bully, not greedy for money, hospitable, self-controlled, sensible, respectful, able to teach, gentle, not quarrelsome, not a new (immature) believer, a good reputation with others, not arrogant, not hot-tempered, loves what is good, honorable, holy, holds to the truth of God’s Word.
The Captain’s position with MCHA is comparable to a small group leader in a church. They are responsible for leading their team in a Christ-like manner and thus expected to lead by example in all respects in the locker-room as well as on and off the ice. Along with the captain, two assistant captains form a Cord of 3 - "Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken" (Ecclesiastes 4:12). The Cord of 3 work together to provide an environment that piques spiritual interest among their players, while leading and guiding them in a great hockey experience.
The MCHA mission is the center of everything that the league leaders do. All captains and new board members are vetted by league leadership to ensure they embody these qualities and are committed to the league mission. Captain resources including a copy of The Mission Matters and the MCHA Captains Handbook can be found here: